Fun Facts
Veteran x Rookies Distribution
Countries Distribution
Age Distribution
Gender Distribution
Brazilian States Distribution
​​This year the correlation between veterans and rookies ( 55% x 45%) is greater than it ever was! We are excited that finally the new architecture of The Journey is allowing newbies to challenge themselves in the 100+ distances! Welcome you Rookies. Veterans, we cannot be more grateful to you for your loyalty and dedication.​​​​​

​​The predominant age is without a doubt from 42 to 56! But we are excited to see ultrarunners from 23 to 80! What a wonderful thing! The age barrier seems to be ignored when it comes to long distances ... and maybe, the Camino da Fé!​​​

This year we will fellowship with 12 countries. Brazilians, being the host population corresponds to approx. 80% (82.6%) and all other 11 nations representing the Ultraworld with 20% of runners.
United States of America
- South Americans represented by 10%;
- North Americans represented by 7.5%
- All other continents 2.5%

But the picture changes dramatically if we take the Brazilians out of the equation: The United States of America becomes 60% of all international Runners, with all other nations contintuting the other 40%!

From this years gender distribution, we understand that the ultra distance world is mainly male, with Brazil135 Ultra Journey distribution not being different. The correlation between men and women 73% and 27% respectively.
We hope to see this gap closing as the years go by, as it is already happening in many sports category!

And for us, Brazilians, what about State Representation?
Sao Paulo beats it all: 60% of all runners come from the Big Sampa! In second place we find Minas Gerais, followed by Parana and Distrito Federal.
The Southeast with 65% of all runners is still the major region of the Brazil135 Family, but we are very proud to have representations of almost all Brazilian Regions, with the exception of the North Region.
We have 14 Brazilian States represented - almost 50% - in our 20th Anniversay (out of Brazil's 32 States) :
Espirito santo
Minas Gerais
Mato Grosso
Mato Grosso do Sul
Santa Catarina
Rio de Janeiro
Distrito Federal
Rio Grande do Sul.